BusBricks: /Users/felixschulke/Developement/Arduino/Modbus_RTU/Modbus_RTU/Modbus-RTU/lib/Interface/ServiceInterface.h Source File
BusBricks  0.1
Customize bus-communication
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
27#ifdef ARDUINO
28 #include <Arduino.h> // include Arduino-Library for platformIO-build
30 #include <mockArduino.h>
31 using namespace arduinoMocking;
34#include <CommInterface.h>
35#include <ServiceCluster.h>
36#include <Frame.h>
37#include <Content_stack.h>
38#include <ErrorService.h>
39#include <ErrorState.h>
41#define STACKSIZE 2 // Size of Send- / Rec-Stack
42#define ERRORSERVICE_ID 'e' // Service-ID of the configured Error-Service in Servicecluster
43//#define DEBUG
55template<typename CommInterfaceBase, typename frameType>
57 public:
76 virtual void communicate() = 0;
78 protected:
103 virtual void getPDU_from_services()=0;
109 virtual void processServices(){
110 for (size_t i = 0; i < services->getNumberOfServices(); i++)
111 {
112 ServiceBase* destinationService = services->getService_byPos(i); // Pointer to the destination-Service
113 destinationService->stackProcessing();
114 }
115 }
125 ServiceBase* service = services->getService_byID(ERRORSERVICE_ID);
126 if (service) {
127 ErrorService* errService = static_cast<ErrorService*>(service);
128 errService->raiseError(code);
129 }else{
131 }
132 };
144 virtual void processSendStack(){
145 // Serial debugging
146 #ifdef DEBUG
147 Serial.println("Processing Send-Stack...");
148 #endif
149 // Handle sendstack
150 while (!sendStack.empty())
151 {
153 Frame* frameToSend = sendStack.getElement(); // Get next item from the send-stack
154 sendItem = *frameToSend->get_representation(); // buffer Frame as char-array
155 comm_interface->sendNewFrame(&sendItem); // Impart Frame that has to be sent next to the CommInterface
156 sendStack.deleteElement(); // delete Item from send-stack
157 comm_interface->sendCycle(); // execute sending
158 }else{
159 comm_interface->sendCycle(); // execute sending
160 };
162 // check the commInterfaces ErrorState
163 errorCodes commInterfaceErrorState = comm_interface->getErrorState();
164 if (commInterfaceErrorState!=noError) raiseError(commInterfaceErrorState);
166 };
167 }
184 virtual void addPDU_to_services()
185 {
186 // Add all received PDUs to the Services
187 while (!recStack.empty())
188 {
189 // Try to add Frame from rec-stack to Service
190 Frame* receivedFrame = recStack.getElement();
191 errorCodes ServicesErrorState = services->impartPdu(receivedFrame);
193 // handle the Service-Clusters error-state
194 if (ServicesErrorState != noError) raiseError(ServicesErrorState);
196 // clear Error-state after handling error
199 // Skip Discard and leave the rec-stack-processing
200 if (ServicesErrorState == overflow) break;
202 // discard frame
204 };
205 };
221 virtual void processRecStack() {
222 // Serial debugging
223 #ifdef DEBUG
224 Serial.println("Processing Receive-Stack...");
225 #endif
226 // exit if no space on rec-stack
227 if (recStack.full()) return;
229 // Handle receivebuffer
231 if (recItem.getSize() != 0){ // Item not empty
232 frameType recItemFrame(&recItem); // Construct Frame-Class derived Object (nullptr if failed)
233 if (recItemFrame.isValid()){
234 recStack.addElement(recItemFrame); // Add the received element to the stack
235 }else{
236 raiseError(framingError);} // frame-construction failed
237 recItem = CharArray(); // Clear rec-Item
238 }
240 // check the commInterfaces ErrorState
241 errorCodes commInterfaceErrorState = comm_interface->getErrorState();
242 if (commInterfaceErrorState!=noError) raiseError(commInterfaceErrorState);
245 // Impart memory the received item has to be stored at
247 }
248 comm_interface->receiveCycle(); // Receive new frames from comm-interface
250 // check the commInterfaces ErrorState
251 errorCodes commInterfaceErrorState = comm_interface->getErrorState();
252 if (commInterfaceErrorState!=noError) raiseError(commInterfaceErrorState);
254 }
Enumeration for various error codes.
Definition Error.h:47
@ framingError
Structure of the frame is not as expected by the services content-representation-definition.
Definition Error.h:56
@ overflow
Send- or Receivestack reached max. size of items.
Definition Error.h:84
@ noError
no Error
Definition Error.h:51
Class for storing char-array (byte-array) together with size. The Array is stored on Heap-memory and ...
Definition CharArray.h:38
size_t getSize() const
Retrieves the size of the char array.
Definition CharArray.cpp:213
Communcation-Interface-Base-Class of the CommInterface template specifies a standardized interface to...
Definition CommInterface.h:54
virtual bool receivedNewFrame()
Check, if a new Frame was received.
Definition CommInterface.h:90
virtual void getReceivedFrame(CharArray *destFrameBuffer)
Define the destination, the next received Frame should be copied to ba a pointer to an empty String-O...
Definition CommInterface.h:82
virtual bool finishedSending()
Check, if the Frame was sent and the CommInterface is ready to send the next Frame.
Definition CommInterface.h:75
virtual void sendNewFrame(CharArray *sendFrame)
Add a new Frame to the send-buffer.
Definition CommInterface.h:67
Content-Stack-Template the content-stack stores the added items (call-by-value / copy) on internal ar...
Definition Content_stack.h:45
bool full()
Check if the Stack is full (size reached MaxSize)
Definition Content_stack.h:133
bool addElement(content_class element)
Add item to stack.
Definition Content_stack.h:72
bool empty()
Check if the Stack is empty (size is 0)
Definition Content_stack.h:123
content_class * getElement(int index=0)
Get Pointer to element in the stack. Accepts positive and negative indexing.
Definition Content_stack.h:107
bool deleteElement(int index=0)
Delete item on index-position from stack and shift all items with higher index, accepts only positive...
Definition Content_stack.h:87
representation_type * get_representation()
Get the address of the informations representation of type representation-type.
Definition Content.h:66
Service class for handling Errors.
Definition ErrorService.h:69
void raiseError(errorCodes code)
Adds an Error-object for the local Instance-Id to the Error-services rec-stack.
Definition ErrorService.cpp:80
A class to manage and track error states using error codes.
Definition ErrorState.h:49
void clearErrorState()
sets the current error-state to "no Error"
Definition ErrorState.cpp:43
errorCodes getErrorState()
Get the currently active error-code.
Definition ErrorState.cpp:38
void raiseError(errorCodes code)
raises a new error by setting the given error-code as errorState
Definition ErrorState.cpp:33
Frame-Class as derived class from Content The derived classes define: -the conversion from a given pa...
Definition Frame.h:50
Service-base-class to add class-functions to vtable.
Definition Service.h:42
virtual void stackProcessing()=0
Execute the service's functions for each item on the receive-stack and add all response-payloads to b...
ServiceCluster-base-class to add class-functions to vtable.
Definition ServiceCluster.h:42
virtual ServiceBase * getService_byPos(uint8_t ServicePosition)=0
Get pointer to the service at a specific position in the cluster (positions starting by zero)
virtual errorCodes impartPdu(Frame *FrameToAdd)=0
Add the payload of the referenced Frame to the belonging Service.
virtual uint8_t getNumberOfServices() const =0
Get the total Number Of Services-objects associated to the cluster.
virtual ServiceBase * getService_byID(uint8_t ServiceID)=0
Get pointer to the service with the given service-ID by iterating through the associated services and...
Template for generic Service-Interface Defines the handling of incoming frames from CommInterface to ...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:56
virtual void processSendStack()
Send all Frames, stored in the sendStack. As long as the sendStack is not empty, the function is gett...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:144
Content_stack< frameType, STACKSIZE > sendStack
stack for frames to send next (instance of Content_stack-derived class, specified for type of frames,...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:89
void raiseError(errorCodes code)
Check if an ErrorService is registered in the service cluster under the defined ERRORSERVICE_ID of th...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:124
virtual void addPDU_to_services()
Add PDUs from all received frames to the corresponding services.
Definition ServiceInterface.h:184
virtual void processServices()
start the stackProcessing of the registered services
Definition ServiceInterface.h:109
CharArray recItem
Item received last
Definition ServiceInterface.h:95
Content_stack< frameType, STACKSIZE > recStack
stack for received frames (instance of Content_stack-derived class, specified for type of frames,...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:86
virtual void processRecStack()
Add items received by the CommInterface to the recStack and execute the CommInterface's receiveCycle ...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:221
CommInterfaceBase * comm_interface
pointer to Communication-Interface (instance of CommInterface-derived class)
Definition ServiceInterface.h:80
virtual void getPDU_from_services()=0
Add all PDUs provided by the services to the sendstack, depending on how frametype stores the informa...
ServiceInterface(CommInterfaceBase *comm_interface, ServiceClusterBase *services)
Construct a new Service Interface object.
Definition ServiceInterface.h:64
ServiceClusterBase * services
pointer to ServiceCluster, containing the Services associated with the Interface (instance of Service...
Definition ServiceInterface.h:83
CharArray sendItem
Item to be sent next
Definition ServiceInterface.h:92
virtual void communicate()=0
Execute all relevant tasks for transferring data between CommInterface and Services: Getting payloads...
void println(const std::string &str)
Prints a string followed by a newline to the serial output.
Definition mockArduino.cpp:111
Provides mock implementations of Arduino framework functions and classes for native builds.
Definition mockArduino.cpp:28
MockSerial Serial
Global instance of MockSerial to mimic Arduino's Serial object.
Definition mockArduino.cpp:185